25% OFF with the purchase of any new system, Ends Monday.

Advanced CCTV Monitoring: Improving Efficiency in Alarm Receiving Centres

Security cameras have long been the cornerstone of surveillance and security services, but their role has evolved significantly. Companies are implementing more advanced forms of CCTV monitoring these days – systems with greater intelligence than ever that can improve response times and detect threats more effectively. Alarm Receiving Centres need to ensure their alarm monitoring...
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Why effective training is essential to get the best from your Operations Team

Your team’s capacity to respond effectively to incidents is only as great as their ability on the platform on which it is received. Your Gemini platform contains a vast wealth of features designed to smooth out operations, save valuable time and assist in meeting industry standards. We know that knowledge can fade in time with...
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Supported Systems

This list shows those CCTV products where at least minimum functionality is supported. As manufacturers improve their products and GeminiSense is continuously enhanced, the integration functionality is subject to change.